Common Questions To Ask Disability Attorneys In Temecula, CA

by | Dec 22, 2017 | Legal Services

In California, disability claims are filed through the Social Security Administration directly. An applicant must possess a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. The claim cannot reflect an inability to work in just one industry. Disability Attorneys in Temecula CA can provide answers to common questions about the claims.

What Percent of Claims are Denied by the SSA?

According to recent statistics, about eighty percent of claims are denied by the Social Security Administration. The next step for claimants is to file for a reconsideration or an appeal. At least fifty percent of claims at the reconsideration and/or appeal stage are denied.

Why Does the Social Security Administration Require Doctor’s Appointments?

Typically, doctor’s appointments are scheduled for claimants who didn’t submit their medical records with their claim. The Social Security Administration is required to contact all doctors who provide treatment for the disability. The doctors send records associated with the condition to substantiate the claim. However, individuals who don’t have existing medical records need a complete assessment by the SSA’s doctors.

What is the Standard for Back Pay for Claimants?

The Social Security Administration starts the period in which back pay is available on the date that the application was signed. However, the date doesn’t reflect the date in which the claimant was diagnosed with the disability. The typical turnaround time for approval is up to one year. Claimants receive back pay based on when they applied only if they don’t file with the court.

Claimants who file their disability claim through the court receive back pay starting on the date they were diagnosed. For some claimants, the back pay period could equate to years and provide them with a large lump sum payment.

What are the Requirements for a Denial?

The Social Security Administration must provide the exact reason for the denial. The agency is also required to explain the claimant’s rights to an appeal after the denial. An attorney reviews the documentation to determine if the denial was lawful.

In California, disability laws provide access to federal benefits for individuals with qualifying conditions. Under the laws, the condition must present a debilitating state that stops the individual from supporting themselves financially. Claimants who need to file an appeal or lawsuit contact Disability Attorneys in Temecula CA by visiting us now.

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